Pluggable Authentification for the Contenido Backend (V. 4.8.x)
Contenido introduces a new system to authenticate against external
sources (LDAP directories, for example).
What does it do?
Contenido Pluggable Authentification Modules (don't swap them around
with Linux PAM) makes it possible to authenticate via external sources
- and just authentification.
How it works (authentification handler)
To write your own authentification handler, you have to write a single
function which looks like this:
function active_directory_auth ($username, $password)
global $cfg;
if ($cfg['ldap']['server'] != "")
$ad = ldap_connect($cfg['ldap']['server']);
if ($ad)
ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
$bd = ldap_bind($ad, $username . $cfg['ldap']['suffix'], $password);
if (!$bd)
return false;
return true;
If that function returns true, the mechanism knows that the login was
successful. After that, you have to register the function:
By registering the function, the login mechanism knows that it should
call "active_directory_auth" for certain users. Finally, you have to
include your new handler file (the recommended place is
The login mechanism knows that you want to use a registered auth
handler if the entry in the password field of the user equals a
registered auth handler; e.g. the user "test" has
"active_directory_auth" in his password field, thus the login mechanism
would use the "active_directory_auth" function to validate. The
password field has to be set using the sync script.
Syncing with a remote source
To make the authentification handler working, you have to "sync" your
users to Contenido. This means that each user needs to be created
and/or updated by a sync script (it's preferred to automate this using
a cronjob to ensure regular updates). The active directory example has
a sync script; you can modify it to fit your own needs.
Remember that if you want your permissions syncronized using the sync
script, you are on your own - we recommend that you only sync users,
user-to-group relationships and groups and apply all rights to groups
to keep it simple.